We headed back to the studio this week to track drums for tunes from the upcoming album "RED, WHITE & BLACK", and of course, good times were had. I got to the studio around 3 PM to find my drums had already arrived...love it when a plan comes together. The Maestro, engineer rock-star and drum whisperer Ron Letts of
INABOX studios and I spent about 4 hours setting up and then tuning. All that painstaking attention allowed us to get one hell of a huge drum sound. Just as soon as we nail down the sound of thunder, Low end friend Josh arrives, followed by The commander-in-chief himself. Got all the loud makers set up and the fiddles tuned...Time for some dinner and relaxing.

Around 8 PM, we finally get our rockstar asses in gear. First tune on the list was "War At Home". First take...BOOM! Second and third tunes went just as easy. Little punch here, little punch there - Done like a snail in the sun. The Maestro sets 'em up and we knock 'em down. That's the way the Blacked Out Brothers do...1, 2, BBQ!
We only set out to get the drums laid for three tunes, and we ended up getting four..Fan favorite "Nowhere man" was the last track of the night...and we fucking killed it. One take, nailed down tight. I gotta say, this album is going to take heads clean off, and that's just based off the rough mixes! Stay Tuned Blacked Out Kiddies...More to Come.
- Budda OUT!